Leferink Industrial Export Packing

Products and services

Protected transportation

Efficient transportation

Our company








If all of the processes within your company work efficiently, why should your transporting needs be any different?  

Efficient transportation


Do you wonder whether your products are being transported the most efficient way? We would like to share with you why we think we can help!


The advances in productivity and transportation are continuously changing.


Constantly, we have seen companies not realising the possibilities in contemporary freight transportation methods. Leferink would like to propose that through a free consultation, we can look at what possibilities we can offer for your products that make your transportation needs more efficient, simplified, more environmentally friendly and customer friendly, but most importantly, more economical to deliver!


With multiple companies in the past, we have conceived personalised qualitative working processes that have gained them a higher level of convenience, time, money together with a much friendlier effect on the environment.